Edit Your Test Requirement
Please confirm the Type of Testing you want
Your Name
Email ID
Mobile No
Type of Testing
Short Description about the Test requirement
Project/Product Name
Describe your project/ product
Testing Requirement
Testing Dateframe
Industry Type
App Type
Is your app live?
App test environment URL
Detailed Instruction for testing
Supporting Documents
What is in scope of testing
What is not in Scope of the testing?
Additional Note / Information
Company Details:
Company Name
Company Website
Office Address
Billing Address
GSTIN( if your company in India)
Your Budget:
Help - Estimate
Total Budget     32,500.00
Testing Label Price No. of Bugs Cust
Show Stoper 250 20 5000.00
High 150 50 7500.00
Medium 100 100 10000.00
Low 50 200 10000.00
Review per bug 15%   4875.00
NGT Fee 10%   3433.00
  Total 370 3433.00
Your Total Budget:
For Crowd Tester:
Show Stopper
For Reviewer:
Each Issue to review $ reproduce
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